Jiangsu Hengcheng-Resumption Notice!

Dear Customer:After approval by relevant departments, our production base officially resumed on February 24. Here, we sincerely thank the government departments for their strong support and enthusiastic guidance, and sincerely thank all employees for their active cooperation and efforts. Hengcheng joins everyone in the same stor…


Jiangsu Hengcheng-Resumption Notice!

Dear Customer:After approval by relevant departments, our production base officially resumed on February 24. Here, we sincerely thank the government departments for their strong support and enthusiast…

MORE 2020-2-28 15:16:36

New version of Jiangsu Hengcheng Weighing Equipment Co., Ltd.'s official website is online!

In order to better serve the majority of users, to show a comprehensive network platform for people from all walks of life who are concerned about the weight of Jiangsu Hengcheng, at the same time, in…

MORE 2019-12-23 10:15:54

Weighing equipment at the entrance to high-speed toll stations will be extended to the province

Xin'an Evening News Anhui website (www.ahwang.cn) news "Yu E license, 6 axis, nuclear load 49 tons, actual load 39.65 tons", at 10 am on December 22, this Henan truck entered the Jiguang Expressway Af…

MORE 2019-12-23 10:13:08